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Set Up Content Monitoring System AI Prompt

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Set Up Content Monitoring System AI Prompt


Establish a robust content monitoring system for our website [website URL] to ensure ongoing compliance and quality control. Identify content areas requiring frequent review, such as user-generated content sections. Determine criteria for flagging non-compliant or problematic content. Select and implement the appropriate monitoring tools, including manual review processes and automated systems with AI capabilities. Train designated staff on how to use the system and respond to incidences. Develop a response protocol including steps for content takedown, modification, or user engagement.

Establish a robust content monitoring system for our website [website URL] to ensure ongoing compliance and quality control. Identify content areas requiring frequent review, such as user-generated content sections. Determine criteria for flagging non-compliant or problematic content. Select and implement the appropriate monitoring tools, including manual review processes and automated systems with AI capabilities. Train designated staff on how to use the system and respond to incidences. Develop a response protocol including steps for content takedown, modification, or user engagement.